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Anita Sachdev |
Anita defines herself as someone who is “inspired and open to life without borders, forging ahead with integrity and self-expression, and in the process, inspiring and empowering other people”.
Cultural psychology, cognitive global communication, and multi-cultural diversity are all inherent to Anita’s professional journey. With strategic communication as her core asset she drove business for consumer brands as head of large advertising agencies in Egypt and UK. She then led entrepreneurial ventures in New York and with an NGO in Canada. Originally from India, Anita left in 1988 for UK before moving on to spend 22 years in North America. She returned to live in India in 2010 bringing with her a wealth of knowledge and experience and an abundant passion for intercultural management.
Now, as an Intercultural Consultant to multiple global organizations she delivers successful cross-cultural training for Expat and Indian leaders working across borders, and global leadership programs to multi-cultural management teams. Anita has worked in India with CEOs, senior-level executives and departmental managers from diverse cultural and professional backgrounds to support these leaders become effective and comfortable working with other nationalities; through cross cultural training and coaching.
As an Executive Coach, her ability to inspire people to question conventional wisdom and embrace change is part of her unique style and results in positive outcomes. She blends constructive realism with humor to engage self-awareness and clarity of purpose. The leader learns to employ clarity and sensitivity and, in using the newly acquired behaviors and skills, is better able to drive results to reach their bottom-line goals exceeding both individual and organizational expectations. She supports her clients in the development of new ways of thinking, communicating and managing time to engage stakeholders while building a personal brand. She is on the leadership coaching team Executive for Asia: https://www.executivedevelopment.com/our-team/anita-sachdev/
Anita’s leadership Mantra is ‘lead yourself to success’. Self-leadership is the core of her customized leadership facilitation, career and life coaching programs. Self-leadership is accessed with the fundamental belief that the “power center of the potential” is present in everyone, at all times. Anita’s approach has a solid focus on reinventing and adapting the operational styles of leaders in the VUCA world along with shifts in attitude, approach and behavior necessary to be a leader. This shift from transactional leader to transformational leaders speeds up the organizations growth pace and culture.
Actively coaches women to have a ‘clarity of voice’ to be successful leaders, balance traditional and contemporary values shift and crusades with organizations for both men and women to transcend gender bias in their Diversity and Inclusion practice.
Anita’s wings and roots philosophy reflects her ease in exploring new dimensions in her work grounded in spiritual understandings. Clients from multiple industries partnered with her to achieve goals viz; Unilever, L'Oréal Paris, Danone, GSK, Life Fitness, Brookfield.
Key Credentials
- Masters in Advertising and Marketing, Cross Cultural studies and coaching from a cultural perspective.
- Professional coaching qualifications include, Coaching Certified with Coach U and ICA, IICM Certified ACP coach, 2nd Accreditation with ICF in Progress, Radical Coaching 9 week advanced coaching program, WBECS Coaching Summit 2016 with credits.
- Facilitation and Adult Education OISE Toronto, YMCA facilitation program, International Association of Facilitators Learning Events India & Globally.
- Certified in several Cross Cultural Assessments, DiSC, 360 and Hogan reports to coach executives, NLP Practitioner, Life and Career Coaching Assessments.

Systematic Approach to Consulting Solutions
[top]- Identify the learning priorities in your organization or team.
- Design the process based on an understanding of the priorities, needs and values of the entire system
- Observe the challenges by shadowing employees to design effective program
- Develop a personalized learning journey for teams with facilitated interventions like workshops, virtual programs and coaching.
- Set the tone for learning with pre work and program outcomes
- Examine solutions in light of how they will be designed and sustained by creating a safe space, respectful listening, and empathy.
- Anchor the face to face workshops with follow up such as :
- manager coaching
- observing behaviors in real time
- buddy systems
- usage of Intranet to share key learning reminders
- Effective and spacious locations to deliver effective processes and individual reflection.

Gain Voice of Clarity and Self Realization
[top]I’ve Made It facilitation, training, coaching support participants to gain a voice of clarity and self realization with deep understanding they have Made It before and with confidence believe they have what it takes to face the future.
Ingrid Bens (2005) philosophy and approach as facilitators is an integral part of my belief system and expresses itself at all times viz:
- Grounded in a sincere respect for all group members regardless of their age, rank or cultural group.
- Everyone possesses innate wisdom that can be harnessed and channeled for the good of the whole.
- Facilitation activities aim to foster co-operation and commitment.
- Value the synergistic power of collective thought and strive to help groups arrive at a collaborative decision that represents a win for all parties.
- Simple and organic process that interweaves timeless teachings with one's 'personal power centre' to address future opportunities and challenges.
- Taps into judgment, creativity, intelligence, insights which have filtered into experiences to date and transforms it into knowledge and confidence.
- Shifts lens and perspectives to gain clarity to manage ambiguous situations
We use methodology and approach which is pragmatic and aligned with group needs. Depending on the maturity of the group, the subject matter, group mix, space arrangements, we pick facilitation, training or a facilitation/training combo delivery method.